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Thursday, December 28, 2006


What a day! What a night!!!

After going on my weekly pilgrimage to Baclaran, I met my college friend and toured her around the "buildings" in front of Market! Market! at the Fort. They're developing a series of residential units called Serendra. The place is very pretty already, a lot of scenery, really. Imagine going to work, malling, or clubbing without going through traffic! How I would love to see it when it's all done.

I went home in QC only to change for a party at the Embassy at yes, the Fort. It's for a despedida for a church friend who is going to study abroad. Come to think of it, a few of my church friends are going to study abroad next year. They're moving on, I should to. And I will. Anyway, the party rocked!!! And I had a little more to drink than I usually do. Went home at 3AM. Still have the hangover.

It was a long day... and night. But I had the best time!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Time Heals Wounds

More than six months ago I'd never thought healing was possible.

Since then, I've appreciated a little solitude. Okay, maybe a lot. I've amused myself with my Today show fix. I did and am still doing a little pilgrimage on my own. And I got a lot of DSL love.

Now I plan to go out more, see some friends, and of course, pray a little harder.

It's time to be happy.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Notes

1. I'm trying to wear my Havaianas greetings as often as I could. They just looked pretty, although my feet do not look good right now.

2. I have a new Ipod speaker, a gift from my bro. How cool is that? I've been playing my Ipod shuffle on speaker the whole day, and perhaps, the whole night too.

3. I spent Christmas day at my aunt's place. Ate a lot, went to Starbucks to hang out, ate again. Good luck on my diet next year.

4. Greeted some of my closest friends as I usually do every year. Talking to them alleviated my Christmas blues a bit. I am looking forward to going to Tagaytay this week with my church friends.

That's all for now. Wishing everyone joy, peace and happiness. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Fishball Sales / Christmas Shopping List

I have mentioned in this blog before that I will help my bro in his fishball business during the nine-day dawn masses at the Gesu Chapel in Ateneo. Fortunately, I won't have to do the cooking--my mom and bro were in charge of that. I did accounting and I'm not sure if I did my job correctly.

Now that the nine-day masses are done, I am so ready to go Christmas shopping. Never mind if I go to the mall after Christmas--I am actually avoiding the crowd. Besides, I just got my "allowance" today. So here's my list (sort of), and trying to check it twice.

1. GIFT FOR BRO!!! Since he is so generous to me. Haha. I'm thinking of a book about business since he's into books lately. Or I'll just buy Havaianas so I could share my "flip-flops passion" with him.

2. GIFTS FOR FRIENDS. I absolutely have no idea what I'm going to give them. Since I'm trying to be inaccessible these days, I'm limiting the list to a few close friends.

3. GIFTS FOR ME!!! Perhaps the most important of all. Since I'm really really lonely these days. Nothing could cure my Christmas blues other than shopping, with the limited budget that I have. Let's see what's on my list.

Bag. One cannot have too many bags. I just acquired a black Nine West bag at a bargain price, courtesy of my bro.

Shoes. I bought a pair of black velvet kitten heels that are just so cute. And I found a cool multiply site that sells these comfy shoes.

Havaianas. These flip-flops are my guilty pleasure for this year. I've already limited myself to 5 pairs, but there's always a possibility of acquiring another. I hope the Small Flowers models will be available soon.

Top. Let's see what fits me and then I'll decide. Will drop by Apple & Eve since they have sizes.

Books. I will definitely spend my first P1,000 on at least 3 good books. Of course depending on the prizes. Top of the list is Nicholas Sparks' "At First Sight".

CD. I am so into KT Tunstall's music lately, but I have yet to be convinced to buy her CD. Or maybe I'll save for Norah Jones and Carrie Underwood, whose albums will be released next year. Another P1,000 on the budget.

Hay, can't wait to shop!!! Only one day to go before Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Updated Havaianas Inventory and Wishlist

1. Metallics Silver
2. Rosa Branco
3. Christmas Greetings White
4. Slim Beige Golden
5. Christmas Greetings Gold

1. Small Flowers Pink
2. Slim Season Brown
3. Girls Star Lilac
4. High Light Black/Pink
5. Sunny Blush Rose

Mall-hopping / Ebay transactions / Krispy Kreme - All Flip Flops

Yesterday was my weekly trip to Baclaran, which gives me a perfect excuse to go somewhere afterwards. After visiting the Our Lady of Perpetual Help, I proceded to accomplish my other "missions" for the day:

1. Meet-up with an ebayer who won the bidding for my Havaianas Joy

The buyer was very nice. In fact, she was so nice that I can't help but assist her where to find stores that sells Havs. Enjoy the Havs, dear!

2. Ship my Havaianas Summer Brown to another winning bidder

This one went smoothly, even though I shipped the item long before I received payment from the winning bidder. I just got word that she already received the item. Whew!

On hindsight, I hope that all sellers and buyers should observe the rules of online auctions, particularly on ebay. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth when a seller or buyer does not comply with their end. I know, I've been there--on both sides unfortunately.

3. Find Krispy Kreme and All Flip-Flops store in the Fort

This one took a while. I had to walk through Bonifacio Global City, sort of like an enlarged Greenbelt 3 located adjacent of Market! Market!. After a wrong turn and endless walks, I finally found these stores like water in the desert. I love Krispy Kreme! Their glazed doughnuts are so divine! The All Flip-Flops store, although the biggest of all its branches, wasn't worth the trip if there are other stores that sell Havs.

I got home close to 9, just in time to watch Grey's Anatomy. It was all good.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Busy Weeks Ahead

Just when I thought that my money has run out, along came a proposal from my younger brother: that I monitor his new fish-ball business during the anitcipated dawn masses. Yes, he's going to be my boss. And yes, I accepted his proposal. It was a bright idea, after all. I'd better warm up my fishball/squidball/kikiam cooking skills.

Business starts Friday night.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


This giant balloon of the Peanuts character was displayed during the 2006 Macy's Annual Thanksgiving Parade, despite heavy showers. Of course, I didn't get to watch the festivities. Culled from Yahoo Photos.

I just love Snoopy!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Havaianas, how I love thee...

Slim Beige Golden. There's nothing like it.

Havaianas Inventory:

1. Metallics Silver
2. Joy Pink (06)
3. Rosa Branco
4. Summer Brown
5. Christmas Greetings White
6. Slim Beige Golden*
7. Christmas Greetings Gold*

* acquired today

I am almost cash-strapped. I started the day having cash to spend (not a lot) and ended it with almost none. The culprits: my recently acquired Havaianas Slim Beige Golden and Limited Christmas Greetings in Gold. I am so in Hav-en!!! However, I had to push my haircut plans to next week.

So let's do a bit of accounting:

Cash on Hand: Almost none.
Bank Savings: Just enough to maintain my account
Allowance: Still with Mama
Procceds from Havaianas Bid on Ebay: Expected next week (unless winning bidder does NOT pay)
Pending transactions: None, for now
Pending debts: NONE!!! Just concluded my last multiply transaction for now (hence, the Slim Beige Gold). Yay!

The assessment: Zero balance. Zero money to spend. Must get my "allowance" ASAP.

My sacrifice: No Havaianas purchase until February, my birth month.

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's that wonderful time of the year...

...where I'm supposed to make a list, check it twice, eat and be merry. Ah, the Christmas blues once again. Never seemed to find a cure for it. And instead of rejoicing this year, I find myself stuck in the same place where I was last year. Still lonely. Still uncertain of my future. Still hoping.

I've always been taught that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, as I was schooled in three Cahtolic schools. I've religiously completed the Simbang Gabi (dawn masses for 9 consecutive days before Christmas), and participated in other festivities leading to this special day for many years. Now while Santa remains my childhood fantasy, and I still believe in his spirit, I'm not going to make a list to him this time (besides, he's too busy), but to God (who might not be), through my prayers.

I really do hope things will be better next year for me, for my family's sake.