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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Addicted to Multiply / Shopping Online / HELLO Christmas Havs updated

Multiply.com used to be one of my most hated websites. It looked like a modified version of Friendster and Myspace, it always takes forever to load on a dial-up connection, and it clogs my mail. But then since we upgraded to DSL everything is just a breeze. Saw lots of pics of Havaianas, my recent obsession, read blogs, and downloaded some music.

And then I discovered Multiply shopping. I was already into online shopping before, usually through Ebay and its local counterpart, Bidshot. But I found this type of online shopping more accessible, without the dreaded feedback and there's no need to deal with joybidders and hagglers.

On a sadder note, I decided to cancel my Christmas Havs reservation. I am not very happy about this. I realized that I still have pending transactions (of yes, Havaianas) and well, I haven't received them yet. I'm really scared that I couldn't pay for my transactions if they are well... compounded. Anyway, I promised the seller that I will immediately pay for the pair when I receive those flip-flops, if it's still available. Might be too late though. I don't know how I could make up for this move, and I apologize to the seller.

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